Lane Camera System: LCS™

The Lane Camera System is comprised of state of the art hardware and software and provides a platform for enterprise wide container and vehicle tracking.


+Provides complete situational awareness for vehicles in the port

-Integrates with Radiation, Bio hazard, and or explosive detection systems
-Targeted / Random
-Flexible tracking architecture that allows for critical container and vehicle data to be delivered to any workstation or data store in a time sensitive manner
-Operational alerts allow for greater control of traffic signaling and control as vehicles move through port.
-Enterprise wide situational awareness of traffic flows and time to destination alerts help to insure operations personnel have the accurate time sensitive occupancy payload information of all in process vehicles
-Optimized touch screen graphical user interface, allow CBP personnel to focus on interdiction
-Real time alarm synchronization across all monitoring stations
-Optional integrated Video Management System for high resolution video surveillance

+Foundational common data hub for the integrated data management and dissemination
-Highly scalable service oriented architecture
-Easily integrates with any scanning system via the open web service API providing secure information sharing
-Provides user tailored credentialed access to all occupancy data
-All access is time stamped logged for system efficiency reporting and feedback/improvement
-Advanced archival and system monitoring, with real-time system health messaging
-Advanced storage management allows for the collection, archival and cleanup of millions of vehicle occupancies and alarms
-By combining video sequence data with container and plate numbers, fewer resources are required to monitor and support import and export scanning locations
-Open system modular design allows for the integration of any sensor type, camera, or device
+Consistent container and vehicle optical recognition

-Integrated Container Number recognition and manifest tracking systems for cross verification of all containers traversing inspection lanes
-Reliable multi-camera identification system provide superior recognition rate >98%
-Every occupancy is completely documented by synchronized video sequences
-Guaranteed video segment collection ensures that the right vehicle arrives at the right location and the corresponding operations personnel have the accurate information for rapid vehicle adjudication.
-Provides stable, balanced, reasonable good image quality under all working conditions
-Very high accuracy and intelligent optical character recognition technology
-Handles a wide range of lighting and weather conditions