Enterprise Integration

Today, physical security solutions are far more complex than legacy, hardware-based video products built for local monitoring and on-site management

IP based security solutions are designed for today’s global security operations. These operations are frequently managed from a central location or regional monitoring center and are often deployed across cities, states, and continents. Security solutions that are built on IP based software technologies are carefully integrated within enterprise IT networks. These platforms must be capable in leveraging all network capabilities without disrupting day-to-day operations, monopolizing valuable network resources or compromising IT security.

New IP based video management software solutions feature an abundance of powerful video management and analytic capabilities for identifying and deterring threats. In addition, software holds a vast knowledge base that addresses the rapidly changing security and operational accountabilities and obligations.

The dynamic nature of enterprise video solutions has shifted the level of support required to manage and utilize these applications. These powerful and complex video solutions require a working partnership built on unparalleled service, deep domain expertise, and a solid understanding of the challenges companies face in today’s sophisticated environment.

MMCVision™ is designed for organizations with complex deployments and availability requirements. MMCVision’s™ design and engineering team fully support the deployment and integration processes of the software to achieve physical security objectives.

MMCVison’s™ customer service organization is staffed by leading industry experts and we fully supports our customer’s needs end-to-end. Our solutions, services and maintenance options provide our clients with efficient and effective tools for anticipating, avoiding, and addressing problems.

 Please contact us today for a consultation.